“Connect to nature and listen to the messages it gives you. Which colours speak to you?”

Iris, messenger goddess of the rainbow

I am a certified practitioner of SOUL BODY FUSION®. It’s an energetic process developed by Grandmother Jonette Crowley to realign the frequency of your Soul and Body at the cellular level with the highest possible light it can hold. Life’s traumas, abuses, and disappointments can cause the energetic frequencies of soul and body to be out of synch. The changes are permanent and never-ending. Helping you get more grounded, more present and more aligned with your souls purpose.

You can book a session with me in my shop. More options are available: reach me for more information by sending a message to yoursoulbodyfusion@gmail.com.

Book your sessions here.

More information about Soul Body Fusion® can be found here.

Transformative effects

Soul Body Fusion®

Enhanced Mind-Body Connection

Soul Body Fusion® helps align your soul’s energy with your physical body, creating a deeper sense of connection and integration between the two. This alignment can bring greater harmony and balance in your life.

Increased Energy and Vitality

Many participants report feeling more energized and vibrant after sessions. The process helps to clear energetic blockages, allowing life force energy to flow more freely through the body.

Emotional Healing

By aligning the body and soul, Soul Body Fusion® can help release deep emotional wounds or traumas. It promotes emotional well-being, enabling you to process and let go of pain, grief, or stress.

Mental Clarity

The process can bring a clearer mind and a more focused sense of purpose. By integrating soul energy, mental fog may lift, leading to better decision-making and clarity in life’s direction.

Deep sense of Inner Peace

Many experience a profound feeling of peace and relaxation during and after the sessions. The fusion of soul and body often brings a calming, grounded energy that makes you feel centered and at ease.

Increased Self-Confidence

When your body and soul are fully aligned, you may feel more empowered and connected to your true self. This often leads to increased confidence and self-awareness.

Spiritual Growth

Soul Body Fusion® promotes spiritual alignment and helps you feel more connected to your higher self or spiritual essence. It can be a catalyst for awakening and deepening your spiritual journey.

Healing at a Cellular Level:

The fusion process works energetically at the cellular level, potentially aiding in physical healing. While not a replacement for medical treatment, it may complement other healing modalities and promote overall health.

Improved Relationships

As you become more aligned with your true self, you may experience more authentic and harmonious relationships. Greater self-awareness and emotional balance often translate into healthier interactions with others.


S.J. – New York USA

“Energies are moving, shifts are happening – at first I wasn’t sure what was going on but after a few sessions it became clear to me that the calm aliveness, the creative groundedness and loving energy I experienced were directly connected to the sessions with Geertje. She is truly a gift in these times.”

S.L. – Toronto CANADA

“Geertje is such a beautiful soul! I’ve been in several car accidents and she was able to help me release the stuck energy in my back. Her sessions were very uplifting.”


“My experience was above all expectations, very intense. I went in very open minded and hadn’t realised that there was such an open wound that I needed to heal. But my tears flowed freely. The second week I could really rely more on my confidence, thoughts and feelings. I could feel changes there. Overall the last two sessions gave me a greater sense of knowing myself and I love to remember and recognize that feeling of how my body and soul are aligned and in balance. Thank you Geertje, for your lovely guidance.”

A.M.P. – New Hampshire USA

“Geertje is the most Amazing person with her gifts. I felt fantastic during the session and I have more clarity and inspiration after the session. I highly recommend her.”


“This whole experience was open, positive and loving. It brought peace, room for change and new inspirations. I’d recommend a session with Geertje.”

K.S. – Boise USA

“Absolutely amazing, Geertje is a lovely and gifted soul!”


“I’m amazed to find that I’ve made multiple major choices to regain my balance in life in the week after the first Soul Body Fusion session. Simply amazing!”

L.v.V. – Zoetermeer THE NETHERLANDS

“I had very nice Soul Body Fusion sessions with Geertje! She’s a kind, calm and warm person. I could immediately relax. I recommend sessions with her to everyone.”


“The sessions took my dizzy spells away and gave me an overall sense of safety and groundedness that I needed. I’ve noticed that the more light I can hold, the more I enjoy life to the fullest.”

“Step into the golden sunlight and let the shield you’ve made around you melt away.”

Phasis, deity of the mountain rivers


And this colouring book for adults contains 23 colouring pages with information about the goddesses, quotes and advice. There are 8 seagods included and 3 androgynous deities.

Get your printable copy here!


This colouring book for adults contains a collection of 25 beautiful greek goddesses (5 moon goddesses, 5 earth goddesses, 5 water goddesses, 5 sky goddesses and 5 underworld goddesses) all drawn by Geertje Peeters.

Get your printable copy here!

“Bring love into your life, every time you take a deep breath in. Inhale self-love and exclaim it with a sigh.”

Aphrodite, Greek goddess of love

I recognized that my life’s challenges and disappointments caused the energetic frequencies of my soul and body to be out of synch. I needed something to help me get more grounded, more present, more confident and more aligned with my soul’s purpose.

I found a safe and quick process called Soul Body Fusion® developed by grandmother Jonette Crowley and it changed me completely. I became a certified practitioner to help out others.

During three sessions (each about 1 hour) I can help realign the frequency of your soul and body at the cellular level with the highest possible light it can hold. The changes are permanent and never-ending.

In my shop