
SOUL BODY FUSION®: invite your soul energy more into your body.



It is an energetic technique developed by Jonette Crowley, where you invite your soul energy more into your body. SOUL BODY FUSION® is a simple, safe, and fast process that realigns the body at the cellular level with the highest possible light it can contain.
For most of us, due to hypersensitivity, addiction, disappointments, stress, grief, and trauma, the body and soul are not well-aligned. This hinders the unfolding of our full potential. Often, it prevents us from seeing a more complete perception of ourselves and the world around us.

SOUL BODY FUSION® is an energetic process that works directly and penetrates deeply in a calm manner; a deep, complete, and loving acknowledgment of who you essentially are. You feel your own light/higher self connect more with your body, which helps you, for example, to remove blockages, let things go, ground yourself more, or feel more aligned with your purpose on this planet.

Which language?
I offer the sessions in English and Dutch

How? What time?
I currently provide the SOUL BODY FUSION® session 1-on-1 (via Zoom) and it lasts two times 10 minutes. Please set aside 1 hour for a session. I offer SOUL BODY FUSION® every day between 18:00 and 22:00 (CEST). It is best to book 3 sessions to set a solid foundation, but you can also book just 1 session.

For whom is it suitable?
It is suitable for men, women, and children (from 8 years old). It can even help pets.

Who am I?
I am Geertje Chappin-Peeters, and I am a certified teacher. More info: www.geertjepeeters.nl

Can I offer it to someone else?
Yes, absolutely. You can certainly offer this beautiful healing to anyone you wish: from your partner to a sibling, a parent, or even a pet. Simply specify it in the personalization box.

What does SOUL BODY FUSION® do exactly?
It helps you to bring your consciousness fully into your cells and align yourself with your life force; to balance the frequency of your body with the frequency of the very best of yourself, your energy body, the light being that you are. You can bring more and more soulfulness into your body and life; radiating more and more from within to the people around you and to the Earth.

Do you need to do anything yourself?
During a SOUL BODY FUSION® session, you sit quietly with your feet flat on the ground and your palms facing upwards. You focus your attention on your body. Before and after the session, I recommend drinking more water.

What can you feel during a session?
Some people feel tingling, warmth, emotions, a sense of peace, more self-confidence, old aches, dizziness, tiredness or more energy, awakening psychic abilities, or a sense of coming home. Some feel no sensations at all. There is no right or wrong experience. Each experience is unique and driven by your own soul, which determines what you need to experience.

Although it is common for people to report physical and/or psychological healing after one or more SOUL BODY FUSION® sessions, no guarantee can be given for this. SOUL BODY FUSION® is not a replacement for regular medical care. Always consult a doctor/healthcare provider for physical and/or psychological complaints.

Book a session:
Please add a note to your order. Mention your name or the name of the person receiving the sbf®. Please say what day and time you’d like to receive the healing. I give sessions every day between 18.00-22.00 (CEST) (6 PM -10 PM CEST)

Additional Information:
For more details about SOUL BODY FUSION®, you can visit the website of the method’s founder: www.jonettecrowley.com.


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